
She is perhaps Hitler's best known victim, but what was Anne Frank really like?

She is perhaps Hitler's best known victim, but what was Anne Frank really like?

Anne Frank Remembered
Chronology of the story of Anne Frank

May 12, 1925

Otto Frank and Edith Hollander are married in Aachen, Germany.

February 16, 1926

The Frank's first daughter, Margot, is born in Frankfurt, Germany.

June 12, 1929

The Franks' second daughter, Anneliese Marie, better known as Anne, is born in Frankfurt, Germany.

Summer 1933

The Franks decide that the family must move to the Netherlands because of Hitler's election and increasing tensions affecting Jews.

June 12, 1942

Anne receives a diary for her 13th birthday.

July 5, 1942

Margot receives a call-up notice to report for deportation to a labor camp. The family goes into hiding the next day.

July 13, 1942

The van Pels family, another Jewish family originally from Germany, joins the Frank family in hiding.

November 16, 1942

Fritz Pfeffer, the eighth and final resident of the secret annex, joins the Frank and van Pels families.

August 4, 1944

The residents of the secret annex are betrayed and arrested. They are taken to Gestapo Headquarters in Amsterdam and eventually to Westerbork transit camp.

September 3, 1944

The eight prisoners are transported in a sealed cattle car on the last transport ever to leave Westerbork for the Auschwitz death camp.

January 6, 1945

Edith Frank dies in Auschwitz- Birkenau.

January 27, 1945

Otto Frank is liberated from Auschwitz by the Russian army. His journey home is circuitous and finally winds up first in Odessa and then France. During this time he writes his recently-discovered letters inquiring about his family. Finally he is allowed to make his way back to Amsterdam.

February - March 1945

Anne and Margot die at the Bergen-Belsen concentration camp within days of each other.

April 1945

Bergen-Belsen is liberated.

June 3, 1945

Otto Frank arrives in Amsterdam, where he is reunited with Miep and Jan Gies. He concentrates on finding the whereabouts of Anne and Margot.

July-August 1945

In late July, Otto Frank receives notification of his daughters' deaths, news that is confirmed to him in person in August by Janny Brandes-Brilleslijper.

April 3, 1946

A Dutch newspaper article notes Anne's diary.

Summer 1947

1,500 copies of Anne's diary are published by Contact Publishers in Amsterdam. It would go on to sell more than 25 million copies.


The diary is translated into English, one of 55 languages in which the book will appear.


Dutch Red Cross officially declares that Anne and Margot died at Bergen-Belsen in 1945.


A stage adaptation, "The Diary of Anne Frank," opens on Broadway and wins the Pulitzer Prize. A film adaptation of the play is released in 1959 and wins three Academy Awards.

August 19, 1980

Otto Frank dies in Switzerland.

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